

Horrors in the Dark

The Winding Path Our party discovered, upon leaving the tomb, that their companions seemed to split into two different groups. One group seemed to retrace their steps, heading back towards the more well-traveled portion of the Underdark. The other group headed deeper along the path. After a brief discussion, Ku lead the party, with Dave


Hello? Is someone there?

Wet The party escaped from the deep hole with Glabbagool following slowly behind them. Soggy, wet, they set up a temporary camp in the tunnel before moving forward. Ku, the adventurous spirit that he is, decided that he was going to scout out ahead of the party. Unfortunately, he was not prepared for what lay in


Trapped in the Dark

The Underdark is a strange, mysterious, and dangerous place. There are dangers and wonders found there that would mystify and enchant even the most worldly traveler from the world above. Our Party As a Dragonborn Cleric of Bahamut, Anadar is determined to bring the light of the Platinum Dragon to the darkest depths of the


How to Build your world – Part One

A lot of DM’s struggle with world building, and I don’t blame’em. It ain’t easy trying to keep track of some of these things: NPCs Town Names Monster Locations Politics Kingdoms Days/Nights/Moons History Religions Magic It’s enough to give anyone a headache. Factor in that your players are probably only going to explore 1/10th of


Awaken the Dead God

This post was inspired by a post over in the D&D subreddit. You can have a link here. The basis of the question is this: How does your Big Bad Evil Guy wake up a dead god? There are a few parts to figuring out how you want this to go down for your players.


A small town lives

So, I saw a thing asking about how to bring a small village to life. I’m going to assume this is a village near a forest, but with some arable land nearby. With that in mind, here are a few things a village needs to have in order to survive: Food Waste Disposal Water Relaxation/Recreation


The Great Prison Escape

This is a Dungeons and Dragons/Roleplaying Game post. I loved the show Prison Break, and knowing that it’s going to be coming back to TV soon, it got me thinking about various different types of prison campaign scenarios. So I thought I would share them with the world, and let you figure out how to


In the garden of good and evil

I like Dungeons and Dragons. I really do, but I find that some of the people who play the game get too stuck on the rules to allow themselves the flexibility required to create a good story. In this case, a DM had a group of players who decided to make use of the ever-treacherous


Hoard of the Dragon Queen – Session 2

The Mayor actually turned out to be “Governor Nighthill” – Governor being his first name, oddly enough. He was indeed an elderly man, stooped and wizened from his advanced years. But his eyes were bright as he quickly pointed to the surrounding area and begged the heroes to help save his town. As he was
