Players love loot. Next to story, it is one of the main driving forces behind a gaming session. Good loot allows your players to tell better stories, but it can also be used to challenge them. You don’t want your loot to make everything super easy, but you also don’t want it to be useless.
The Drydak
A few months ago, I posted an article about Drydak Mushrooms. It was a response prompt to a post over at /r/dnd. Since then, I’ve been brewing on the idea some more, and finally came up with a 5th edition creature responsible for the mushrooms. The creature is called the Drydak, and you can download
Braving the Underdark
The Unknown Our adventurers set out from Velkynvelve with a speed born of fear. They pushed themselves to their limits, only stopping long enough to rest. After what seemed like days, they were beginning to run low on supplies – food was getting scarce, with Dierdre and Eldeth only finding scraps of food that would be
How to Build your world – Part One
A lot of DM’s struggle with world building, and I don’t blame’em. It ain’t easy trying to keep track of some of these things: NPCs Town Names Monster Locations Politics Kingdoms Days/Nights/Moons History Religions Magic It’s enough to give anyone a headache. Factor in that your players are probably only going to explore 1/10th of
Awaken the Dead God
This post was inspired by a post over in the D&D subreddit. You can have a link here. The basis of the question is this: How does your Big Bad Evil Guy wake up a dead god? There are a few parts to figuring out how you want this to go down for your players.
Drydak Mushrooms – D&D
The other day I was thinking about something to add to D&D and I came up with a type of Mushroom that grows native in dark, damp caves that are fed by a pocket of adamantine, or perhaps mithril. You can work it into your campaign however you want, but it helps if there’s either
In the garden of good and evil
I like Dungeons and Dragons. I really do, but I find that some of the people who play the game get too stuck on the rules to allow themselves the flexibility required to create a good story. In this case, a DM had a group of players who decided to make use of the ever-treacherous
Hoard of the Dragon Queen – Session 2
The Mayor actually turned out to be “Governor Nighthill” – Governor being his first name, oddly enough. He was indeed an elderly man, stooped and wizened from his advanced years. But his eyes were bright as he quickly pointed to the surrounding area and begged the heroes to help save his town. As he was
Hoard of the Dragon Queen – Session 1
Hoard of the Dragon Queen Ghesh, a Dragonling Cleric of Lliiara set off on an adventure from Amn. Traveling with him were the Tiefling siblings Elsen and Kallista; Wizard and Rogue, respectively. Their journey was leisurely; certainly the easiest gold any of them had made, protecting the simple caravan of items bound for the town